Wickel Bambinos

- Introducing our SWEET bambinos -

Brenna & Karsen

Monday, March 14, 2011


Last Friday, Branden and I had our final appointment with our doctor until Delivery Day. Blood pressure was high (152/90) and she put me on bedrest...for about 5 minutes. I pled with her that I NEEDED my last two days at work to get things finished up and get my trainee prepared for the months to come without her training wheels (me). So, she still told me bedrest BUT I had conditions...I can go to work my last two days but stay off my feet, come home from work and 'bedrest'. YES, I am one happy camper!!! Our official check in date at St. Joseph's Hospital "Inn" will be sometime March 20th in the evening.
On the flip side, our last weekend before the BIG day did prove to be productive. Branden worked all day Saturday and Sunday while I rested and caught up on movies :) BURLESQUE...is pretty good! I was surprised. I also got in THE NOTEBOOK, which I don't recommend watching while pregnant because that movie is already a tear jerker without the added hormones of pregnancy, and a few others. We've made name placks for the kiddos and have them painted and asembled, just need to be hung up. B & I did fill up our official pantry started shifting things around to make room in cabinets for baby stuff.
It's a strange feeling knowing that one week (7 days) from now, we will meet Brenna and Karsen and begin the rest of our lives.

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